Legacy System Modernization

Legacy System Modernization

Envision Advanced Possibilities

Years of experience, insights, & business understanding have gone into your legacy software systems. But stakeholders increasing demands, inefficient user screens, scalability issues, architectural limitations coupled with lack of experience in the latest technologies making you think about modernization of the systems and efficient way to do it.

Legacy systems pose a number of challenges for businesses including security threats, incompatibility with new-technology platforms, high operating, support and maintenance costs, lack of mobile capabilities, and high device-dependency. Software system modernization being a high-stakes decision requires an experienced IT legacy modernization services provider that not only upgrades the outdated systems, but also facilitates load testing, training of in-house resources, and troubleshoots the issues in real-time.

MeshBA has helped its clients modernize legacy applications, making them efficient and secure. We focus on keeping the business workflows intact and strive to transform the obsolete architecture to meet the evolving business needs. As an experienced legacy software migration and legacy software support company, we offer a wide range of IT legacy modernization services including legacy software system support, legacy software migration or legacy software modernization.

The Key Components:
  • 1

    Legacy software migration

  • 2

    Custom software modernization

  • 3

    Cloud migration

  • 4

    UX modernization

The Science of Design & The Design of Science

Fundamentally, our work is also about humanising technology. We put the user experience at the heart of an innovation, building-in simplicity and making new technology more accessible. After all, products which are delightfully simple to use are more likely to be adopted and recommended to others.

When it comes to encapsulating technical innovation in a form that chimes with an end user, our early involvement, often before the science leaves the bench, can help to ensure that the human factors as well as the production design issues are considered at the optimum stage in the process.

Grant & Funding Research

Creating a list of potential qualified prospects for your service or product can be daunting when you’re beginning your business. However, this needs to be considered as a follow up on your Target Market Analysis so you can hit the ground running.

Web Site Research
Client Prospecting

Questions? Contact One of Our Agents!

“They worked hard, made attention to the dynamic of our whole project and good deal. The company was able to address all our concerns and provide a quality solution in the timely manner.”

Kirsten Simpson

IT Manager, Rickson and Company

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We focus on the IT solutions, so you can focus on your business. See what we can do for you today!